Thursday, October 9, 2008

Streaming A/V on iPhone/iPod Touch

Bringing audio or video into the classroom needn't involve equipment with wheels. If you have an MP3 player, such as an iPod, you can plug it into any audio projection built into the room with a simple audio patch cable and play anything in your audio library, including podcasts. If you have a video iPod, then you can extend that content to include your favorite YouTube, TED, Hulu program from TV or movies, or other iPod-formatted video. If you have a web-enabled iPod (Touch), iPhone, or similar device, then you can extend that content to include streaming video. Here are some ideas.

Streaming audio and video sources for the iPhone and iPod Touch
Lesley Andrews (10/9/08)

Access through Safari — A lite version of the regular NPR site. The "Listen now" button brings up QuickTime streaming audio. — Select "By Radio Station" then "World Service." (requires free signup) — Select "Providers" for a list of sources, including ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, NPR, APM, BusinessWeek, New York Times, Scientific American, Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

Access through a separate application

YouTube (included in iPhone/iPod Touch software)

FlyCast (free app from iTunes app store) — Select "On-Demand Audio" for a list of sources, including BBC, Bloomberg,  CBS, CNN, New York Times, PBS.

While the same sources of content can be accessed with several different programs or methods, the various applications do not all offer the same selection of podcasts. If you don't find what you're looking for with one program, you may find it with another, and you can choose the most convenient method with content that is available from various sources.

Other resources and information

Finding streaming content for iPhone, iPod touch: There’s a lot available

Setup instructions for accessing BU WiFi with your iPhone

See Lesley for a demonstration of her iPhone.

Hardware requirements

To project audio from an iPod, you'll need speakers and a 3.5mm audio patch cable (at left).

To project video from a video iPod or iPhone, you'll need speakers, a projector, and an Apple Composite AV Cable (at right).